The Thayer Public School Foundation was organized in 1991 to support educational activities in the Thayer School District. The
foundation provides the opportunity for interested individuals with a
sense of pride in our school to provide financial support.
The foundation is overseen by a board of directors consisting of seven graduates and/or residents of the Thayer School District. It operates as an endowment by using interest and other income from donations, bequests and memorial contributions. The IRS recognizes it as a charitable organization so all donations are tax deductible.
to the foundation may be made to a specific department of the school,
or may be placed in the general endowment fund to be used as the board
sees fit. Contributions are accepted in a lump sum, or may be pledged in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual installments. Levels of giving are as follows:
Heritage Club |
$25,000 or greater
Gold Club |
Silver Club |
Century Club |
Alumni Club |
$500—$999 |
Green & White Club |
$100-$499 |
Bobcat Donor |
$25-$99 |
Yes, I would like to contribute $____________ to support the Thayer Public Schools.
____________Enclosed is my check for $____________
____________Please bill me as indicated:
in the amount of $____________ per billing, beginning (month, day, year) ____________
Please allocate my gift as follows:
$____________General Endowment Fund (to be used where school needs are greatest)
$____________ Department or Grade (specify) ____________
$____________Other (specify)
This gift is from:
City:_____________________State:__________Zip Code:______________
Social Security Number:__________________________________________
Home Phone:___________________ Work Phone:____________________
If this gift is a memorial, please list honoree:
Please return this form with your contribution or pledge. Checks made payable to the Thayer Public School Foundation and mailed to:
Thayer Public School Foundation
c/o Bank of Thayer
P.O. Box 35
Thayer, Missouri 65791